This device is designed to protect electrical circuits from damage caused by overloading or short circuits. When a fault occurs, 30 amp breaker 2 pole automatically cuts off the flow of electricity, preventing potential hazards and equipment damage.
Thermal magnetic protection mechanism uses a powerful magnetic force to trip the breaker quickly in response to a short-circuit. 30 amp double pole type qp circuit breaker helps prevent further damage to the system and ensures the safety of occupants and property.
30 amp 2 pole breaker is made of high quality insulation material. Insulation safety, fireproof and anti-drop, strong oxidation resistance and long service life.Produced by TLmathus professional manufacturer.
30 amp Double pole breaker is compatible with 120/240V electrical systems, making it a versatile choice for a wide range of applications and installations. Its plug-on design ensures easy installation and fit for Siemens Type EQ, EQL, SEQ, EQG PL and ES Series load centres.
Q230 30-amp double pole type qp circuit breakernot only makes it compatible with residential load center and appliance circuit breaker panels, micro commercial distribution panels, pool equipment distribution panels, residential transfer distribution switch panels, making it suitable for most applications.